HeliOS Products

Heli Optical Systems specializes in the manufacturing and supplying of precision optics custom-made in accordance to your drawings and specifications. In addition, we are able to produce components based on designs and specifications of other standard optical catalogs. Orders in any quantities are welcome and we also offer standard off-the-shelf products.

Optical windows are two flat, relatively parallel polished surfaces that allow unaltered light transmission to pass at the working wavelengths of an optical system. Windows are commonly used to separate, encase, or shield other components. HeliOS stocks a large variety of optical windows that are off-the-shelf and readily available or easily customized. Our production facility can quickly and affordably modify stock components to meet your projects exact specifications. In addition, we regularly manufacture custom UV, Visible, and IR windows in a variety of custom sizes, shapes, and substrates that will meet standard, precision, or high precision quality.

Good lighting is one of the most essential parts of an imaging system. Optical Diffusers scatter light in a way that reduces harsh shadows and bright spots by producing uniform, even illumination. Heli Optical Systems offers a range of diffusers in a variety of sizes from ground glass diffusers with AR coating options, to opal, to holographic (with various diffusing angles).

Beamsplitters are optical elements designed with a defined transmission and reflectance ratio to separate beams of incident light. Our Beamsplitters are highly effective at splitting and directing light into two different paths within an optical system. Heli Optical Systems’ range of Plate and Cube Beamsplitters are optimized as a standard with AR coating to minimize ghosting and reflection losses. Our Beamsplitter line of products include wavelength ranges from visible to infrared for a variety of lighting requirements and applications.

HeliOS offers various types of mirror coatings for first surface and second surface mirrors across a broad spectrum of wavelengths to reflect light.

Prisms are geometrically shaped optical components that are designed to refract, reflect, or split light. The type of prism defines the function and the design may include multiple surfaces and angles in a variety of positions for use in numerous applications. A key benefit to using prisms is that a single prism can be used to replace multiple mirrors in an optical system. This helps simplify alignment accuracy while also minimizing the size and cost to the overall system.

Optical Filters control a defined spectrum of light by selectively transmitting, blocking or attenuating the required wavelength range. Light transmission is dependent on the type of glass utilized but can also be optimized through the use of optical coatings. Blocking or attenuating light is achieved by either reflection using coatings on an optically clear glass or by absorption using an absorptive color glass filter.

HeliOS brings vast expertise in the utilization of a large variety of filter categories for numerous types of applications. We offer a full range of color glass filters that extend from the Ultraviolet (UV) – Visible (VIS) – Infrared (IR) portions of the spectrum along with durable high quality optical coatings to enable precision and stability in optical systems.

We can supply off-the-shelf filter glass and are able to customize optical filters to your specific design, size, and specifications.

HeliOS offers an extensive line of optical lenses. Off-the-shelf products includes spherical such as PL-Cx, PL-Cv, and meniscus lenses, achromatic, aspheric, and cylindrical lenses. Custom orders and/or prototype enquiries are also welcome. We are able to offer these with or without antireflection coatings deposited on their surfaces and can fabricate using a wide variety of substrates.

Calibration Test Targets are utilized to measure image area, distortion, field flatness, magnification and other parameters of an imaging system when quality analysis is required to determine accuracy and effectiveness. Understanding the level of precision within the imaging system allows for repeatability over the lifetime of the application.

HeliOS is able to provide both off-the-shelf assembled lenses and subassemblies, as well customized assembled lenses for customers based on their unique design. Our years of experience has provided us with the capabilities to source and fabricate assembled lenses according to specific design requirements. Please contact us for more details.