Heli Optical Systems offers light shaping diffusers fabricated using a holographic recording process. The randomized surface structures of the holographic design allows the transmitted light to be precisely shaped. Additionally, the transmitted beam is homogenized and greatly reduces the problem of hot-spots. Depending on the angle of distribution, these diffusers will achieve between 85% and 92% transmission efficiency. Available in both elliptic and circular outputs in a variety of substrates, sizes and angles. We can custom cut to your specifications, please check with us for more details.

Precision Optical Components Produced To Your Specifications

Standard Specifications
Angle Range (FWHM):Circular: 0.5° to 100° / Elliptical: minor: 1° to 60° ; major: 10° to 80°
Transmission Efficiency:Circular: 0.2° to 20° ≥ 90% ; 20° to 80° ≥ 85% Elliptical: ≥ 85% Angle
Tolerance:< 1° ± 0.5° (Based on a 10”x10” area) (>1° < 10°) ± 1° >10° ± 10%
Dimensional Tolerance:300nm to 1500nm
Temperature Range:-30°C to 80°C @ 240 hours
Humidity:>> 95% ± 5% RH @ 24 hours
Refractive Index:PC=1.586; PE=1.51 / AC=1.494; Epoxy=1.50 Pencil
Hardness:> 2H UV
Resistance:PE P1 P3 UVA/UVB (900 Kjm^2) Δa= -2.3 Δa=-2.98 Δa=1.90 Δb=-4.42 Δb=10.27 Δb= 3.98
Adhesion:100% on PET 5mil per ASTM D3359
If your requirement is outside of our listed specifications, please inquire as our production facility can often quickly and affordably customize off-the-shelf components to a variety of sizes and shapes that will meet standard, precision, or high precision quality.