Negative Achromatic Lenses are fabricated by cementing two optical elements with together, whereby the negative power element predominates. The pairing of two optical elements together corrects for on-axis spherical aberration and color. HeliOS’ Negative Achromatic Lenses are also AR coated on both sides, providing even brighter and sharper images. They are often utilized in applications that extend focal lengths together with positive achromatic systems or imaging lenses.

Precision Optical Components Produced To Your Specifications

Standard Specifications
Diameter3.00 - 5.005.01 - 25.4025.41 - 40.0040.01 - 75.00
Surface Quality40-2040-2060-4080-50
Diameter Tolerance+0/-0.05+0/-0.1+0/-0.1+0/-0.1
Center Thickness Tolerance+/-0.2+/-0.2+/-0.2+/-0.2
Edge Thickness ToleranceReferenceReferenceReferenceReference
Centering Tolerance3-5arc mins3-5arc mins3-5arc mins3-5arc mins
NoteIf your requirement is outside of our listed specifications, please inquire as our production facility can often quickly and affordably customize off-the-shelf components to a variety of sizes and shapes that will meet standard, precision, or high precision quality.