Plano-Convex lenses have one flat surface and one surface that curves outwards. This results in a positive focal length and minimizes spherical aberration in situations where the object and image are placed at unequal distances from the lens. They are a low cost and effective method of collimating and converging light in imaging applications and are the best choice for focusing parallel rays of light to a single point.

Precision Optical Components Produced To Your Specifications

Standard Specifications
Diameter3.00 - 5.005.01 - 25.4025.41 - 40.0040.01 - 75.00
Surface Quality40-2040-2060-4080-50
Diameter Tolerance+0/-0.05+0/-0.1+0/-0.1+0/-0.1
Center Thickness Tolerance+/-0.2+/-0.2+/-0.2+/-0.2
Edge Thickness ToleranceReferenceReferenceReferenceReference
Centering Tolerance3-5arc mins3-5arc mins3-5arc mins3-5arc mins
NoteIf your requirement is outside of our listed specifications, please inquire as our production facility can often quickly and affordably customize off-the-shelf components to a variety of sizes and shapes that will meet standard, precision, or high precision quality.