Cube beamsplitters are manufactured by optically bonding together two precision right angle prisms. The hypotenuse surface is designed with a defined transmission and reflectance ratio coating to separate beams of incident light. An anti-reflection coating has also been applied to each face of the cube to achieve less than 0.5% reflection loss per surface. Compared to Plate Beamsplitters, they are easily mounted, more durable and allow the optical path of the system to be shorter.

Precision Optical Components Produced To Your Specifications

Standard Specifications
Dimension Tolerance+0.05/-0.15mm
Angle Tolerance±3 arc minutes
Bevel0.3mm x 45°
Reflectance/Transmission Tolerance+/-5%
If your requirement is outside of our listed specifications, please inquire as our production facility can often quickly and affordably customize off-the-shelf components to a variety of sizes and shapes that will meet standard, precision, or high precision quality.